Tobacco & Vape Market Research

Tobacco & Vape Market Research

From traditional tobacco to the latest in vape and e-cigarettes, we’ve collaborated with both emerging tech and established brand leaders.

We have regulatory approval to conduct tobacco and vape studies on-site at both our Milwaukee and New York facilities, and we field home-use testing nationwide.

From the habitual nature of the product to occasion-based usage, we construct research that uncovers the nuances of the product experience:  flavor components, textural elements, social aspects, physical factors.

Where We Work


cigarettes market research


E-Cigarettes  market research


cigars market research


smokeless tobacco market research

Smokeless Tobacco

Our Methods


Home Use Tests (iHUTs)

Central Location Tests (CLTs)

Category Appraisals

Focus Groups

& More

Home Use Test Options:

National & Regional

Extended Use

Multiple Products


& More

View our Capabilities Summary.