Personal Care Market Research

Personal Care Market Research

Clean and green ingredients, socially-conscious choices, customized product experiences. . .Our market research illuminates the individual and external influences on consumer’s decisions for their personal care products.

From textural cues to perceived efficacy, from in-home to in-lab testing differences, from balanced recruiting for skin /hair types to constructing research that uncovers the body care experience, our expertise encompasses the sensory and aspirational elements of personal care products.

Our research plan uncovers insights to help build distinctive and successful products.


cosmetics market research


fragrance market research


hair care market research

Hair Care

sexual health market research

Sexual Health

skin care market research

Skin Care

oral care market research

Oral Care

eye care market research

Eye Care

nail care market research

Nail Care

tools and brushes market research

Tools & Brushes


Our Methods

Central Location Tests (CLTs)

Taste Tests

Home Use Tests (iHUTs)

Sensory Tests



Mobile Diaries

Online Discussion Boards

Agile Methodology

Our Work

Product Adoption

Product Quality

Product Function

Claims Work


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